Monday, April 13, 2009

New and improved???

OK, so it's been awhile since I did some updating.  I know that I have said I will post pictures of the before and after surgery for Cooper but I just haven't really thought to sit down and blog about it until now.  The funny thing is that I am not really blogging about the surgery right now but something even more exciting.... Cooper got his first hair cut!  I was really nervous about how it would turn out but I really like it and it is a HUGE improvement from how it was getting.  Lets be honest, I love Cooper and think he is the cutest dog in the world but holy smokes he needed some help to make him the handsome dog that was hiding under the massive winter coat come out.  I am posting the before and after pictures and you all can decide for yourselves.

Before the Hair Cut (Wow)

After the hair cut... How cute huh?