So, after a year of being in our ward being the cute little nursery leaders we were finally released. I was called as a Relief Society teacher (total opposite of nursery... yikes!) so I am hoping that things go well. I am rather excited to teach and be able to learn instead of teaching little lessons for two min. tops. (Attention spans don't last too long) My cute little hubby got called to be the Executive Secretary and is doing great at it! He is such a wonderful example to me and I am so grateful to have him as a priesthood holder in our home. He strengthens me and makes me feel great about my calling. I also love the helpful information he gives me about our wonderful gospel that I don't understand sometimes. He is so good at explaining things and quoting scriptures. I really feel that it is the perfect calling for him right now and he will do great at it. We have been so blessed and I am so thankful that we are going to have these callings to gain experience and grow spiritually.
Now... I can't say I am so excited about my husband's calling for one reason... I have been so good at trying to go unnoticed for the last year and a half that we have been married and I have done so good at it so far and then this calling comes along. We would sit in the back of the chapel and then we had callings in primary and nursery so we weren't seen much by the bishop. My plan failed when my hubby accepted his call... We were finally caught! Oh NO!!! I hate speaking in church it is just so nerve racking. We are going to be speaking this coming Sunday so everyone say prayers that all will go well. I am really proud that my husband knows my dread of speaking. They originally wanted us to speak the whole time but he told them, "I think my wife would appreciate some youth speakers." Thanks for getting my back honey! I am glad that you know me so well!